Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ice Castles in Midway Utah

The imagination of one Utah resident has brought in thousands who are eager to see his art. Brent Christensen has taken farming to an unheard of level, and it all starts with icicles that he harvests and grows by adding water from sprinklers. They turn into ice castles growing 20 tons a night and can reach to the skies up to twenty feet high.

Harvesting 1,000 to 2,00 icicles a day, Christensen now has thirty distinctive towers, adding icicles where he sees fit. There is no supporting substructure; every element you see is made solely with ice castles.

By night, lights are turned on inside the castles making me feel like I was in the Renaissance era. The two largest towers have paths carved through them so you can really get an inside look at these masterpieces and the deep blue color that reflects naturally.

Now I now, it there was anywhere to be frozen in time, it’s at the Ice Castles!

*The cost is 5.00 per adult, 3.00 for kids and is located at 100 N. 200 West in Midway


  1. Beautiful pictures Carri!!! The Ice Castles are in Silverthorne, Colorado this year. We hope to open the first weekend in December. See:

  2. Thanks for the info! I would love to cover it! Would you be available for an interview?
