When you are at a restaurant like the Broker in Denver CO, you don’t want to be rushed. This is a sit down and take your time kind of place. Because we were in a hurry to make a show, our friendly waitress told us to relax, she would talk to the chef and we would even have time for the caramel cheesecake!
Ok, we took her advice and situated ourselves into the old bank teller’s booth. Yes, we were eating in a bank and even walked through two vaults (one that weighs 23 tons) on the way to our table. But this bank wont have customers knocking on your door needing to open up a new checking account to score that sweet new flip cam. DEAL! Opened in 1907 and was later transformed into the Broker Restaurant.
Much of the inside is still even in the original state…like the sign on the bar that reads, “Prices will be delayed 15 minutes,” in reference to the stock market. You will even notice the phone jacks and call switches to notify the security guards when a teller needed to exit. My favorite was the molding and artwork in one of the conference rooms, now that’s craftsmanship.
What a treat (even sweeter than the caramel cheesecake) for anyone to get to walk into a restaurant and be taken back to the early 1900’s. Can you imagine being one of the tellers, bankers or security guards that worked here, and to come back and see it today? They might even sit down and enjoy the delicious Broker Shrimp Bowl, one of the Broker traditions. A whopping bowl of complimentary shrimp.
Our dinner was soon wheeled out, oh I felt so fancy. My water was never left empty and no server ever walked by our table without a warm smile. And I forgot to mention, I will take ANYONE there on there birthday. (SHHH…Dinner is always free on your birthday!) That beats a cheesy happy birthday song and a slice of cake.
The meal looked like it belonged on a postcard; work was put into the presentation. Wanting to enjoy every bite in the historic interior I was pretty bummed out when I had to ask for a box, and another box to put the cheesecake into. But music to my ears! The manager of the restaurant asked if he could hold the desert and our dinner and we could come back after the show.
It turns out when your situation may look like a bit of a disappointment it could really be disguised as a surprise. Back to the Broker after the show. The real treat was in the tour the manager took us on. To see the old elevator shaft, the wine cellar in the basement, historic pictures of the original bank and the old conference rooms made the night spectacular. We were treated like royal highnesses and are just ordinary people that enjoyed an extraordinary restaurant for the history and service and delicious cuisine.
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