Grab your conductors hat and lets take a ride, to the Kansas City Union Station. Once hussling around and steering thousands of passengers to their destinations, this place was in it’s prime. During World War Two, over one million travelers passed through here. Stopping to get spiffed up at the barber shop, shoes shined, or grab a cigar for the ride ahead. These days are gone, but I still see this Union Station in its prime.
The most sustainable buildings are the ones that are already built. So thank goodness this station was never demolished, but instead built up. Closure in the 1890’s made for a grim outlook but an initiave was passed to renovate the building that holds so many stories. I mean, seriously, if walls could talk, think about the travelers and their times.
Something is so magical about having a central meeting place for a community. The Kansas City Union Station seems to be exactly that, a meeting place where it’s like the old days, everyone smiles and waves and would tip their wide brimmed hat…if this was still the 1940’s. You could stop in here to read the paper, write a letter or just sit back and take life in. Or…the 95 feet high ceiling, enormous chandeliers and the spectacular grand arch are something to marvel at as well!
Today you can stop in for more than lunch and shops, there are also exhibits, a planeterium, a Theater District and an interactive Science city…wheew, I think I got most if it! Or catch the Amtrak to a city to explore! All aborad!!